Whats on at Alea Glasgow
5-11 August
Don't miss out on exclusive rewards – opt in today!
Unlock Rewards with The Met Card APP!
Limited-Time Exclusive - Opt-In Now!
5 August – 11 August 2024
Met Card holders have 7 days to unlock our Loyalty Reward Card through the App. Don't miss out on exclusive rewards – opt in today!
How It Works:
Earn Stamps: Visit Glasgow and collect 6 stamps (1 per day) between 12 August and 1 September 2024 and earn Met Points!
Jack & Queen: 500 Met Points for each stamp collected.
King & ACE: 1000 Met Points for each stamp collected.
Bonus for Ace Customers: An extra 500 Met Points once completed!
Once all stamps are collected, the Points will be awarded within 48 hours.
Easy Opt-In:
Spot the Banner: Look for the green banner on your App home screen saying, "Unlock Extra Rewards – App Exclusive."
Tap to Opt-In: Click the banner to access the dedicated screen.
Toggle Right: Move the toggle to the right to opt-in. It's that simple!
Stay in the Know:
Reward Reminder: Receive a in-App notification when all stamps are collected.
Exclusive Rewards Await – Don't Miss Out, Opt-In Now!
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We are committed to creating a culture of Safer Gambling within our casinos. We have appointed Safer Gambling Ambassadors across all our sites, in order to protect young and vulnerable people from being exploited by gambling, prevent underage gambling and increase support for the treatment of gambling harm.